Managing The Firewall On A Virtual Machine

Knowledgebase » Server Maintenance» Managing the Firewall on a Virtual Machine

1. Login via Login Bar at the top of the page

or via the login panel within the Client Area within the DevHost Portal

2. Once logged in, click Private Cloud Cluster and by default you will brought to the List Servers panel.

3. Click on the Hostname of the server you wish to manage.

4. Click on the Network tab and choose Firewall option.

Note: If this is a new virtual machine, by default there are no rules setup and the server is setup to ACCEPT all connections. It is suggested that you change from ACCEPT to DROP by editing the Default firewall rule.

5. Under the Add new rule: section, you would enter:

  • The IP address of the server/service you want rule for.
  • The Port number in question
  • The specific Protocol
  • The command to Accept or Deny

6. Click Submit to save rule.

NOTE: once you have finished adding rules or have finished editing rules, ensure to click Apply Firewall Rules to make changes live.